
Home Blog Common Questions About Selling at an Auction
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If you’re new to selling items at auction, the process can seem overwhelming. However, when you have the best in the business on your side, you’re sure to have a great experience. When it comes to marketing and selling your assets, Backes Auctioneers has the experience and expertise you’ve been looking for. In order to find a successful avenue to get the best price possible during this hectic time, we have compiled a list of FAQs about selling at auction: 

What’s the biggest obstacle?  

Time. Selling your business assets can be an uphill battle and the biggest obstacle of all is time. In order to get you to the next step in your life and secure the best price possible, it’s important to plan well in advance so that you can identify and prepare for potential problems.  

Can price prevent an item from selling? 

Time and time again we see sellers run into huge problems by overpricing or underpricing their items. Above all, price is the biggest driver for your sale. If you aren’t familiar with market prices and aren’t open to negotiation, you’re going to have a hard time selling anything. That’s where we come in. You can trust our knowledge and experience to help you find the price and the right buyer for your items to help ensure they sell.  

Do I have options?  

One of your options, and the most common way to market your assets, is through an outright sale. However, you don’t have to figure it out alone. Since it can be difficult to determine the fair market value as well as efficient advertising to gain the best buyers, it can be more effective and improve your return to let a marketing professional help. 

What should I do to maximize my profits? 

Call Backes Auctioneers! We specialize in working with business owners and that can make all the difference in your sale. With decades of experience and more than 100 auctions performed yearly, we are ready to help you get the most for your assets based on your unique needs. We are even able to do everything virtually so that COVID restrictions are not an issue. To learn more about how our team can benefit you, contact us today! 



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